World Class Skeet & Trap Shooting at the National Clay Shooting Centre


World Class Skeet & Trap Clay Shooting

The National Clay Shooting Centre offers world class facilities for all shooting disciplines and offer impressive facilities for clay shooters of all abilities. 

The NCSC was built for the Commonwealth Games in 2002 and is a world-class shooting complex. The instantly recognisable skyline of white canopies, cover a line of superb shooting layouts.They include computer controlled scoring, trap sequencing, acoustic release and two training layouts. Regular competitions are held throughout the year. Practice is also available on the layouts subject to availability and shooting lessons can be booked for all disciplines.



Bisley Shooting Ground

Surrey's finest Sporting Clay Pigeon Shooting for Tuition, Practice and Corporate Events.


Surrey's finest Clay Pigeon Shooting at Bisley Shooting Ground

Described by many as the country's top clay shooting ground for tuition, practices and corporate events, Bisley Shooting Ground blends old charm with world renowned facilities. It's Victorian clubhouse is steeped in tradition and Cottesloe Heath ground is home to the famous Grouse Butts, Hight Tower and Crane. It boasts an impressive 76 traps featured over 30 stands. 


Bisley Shooting Ground